The missing part

Earlier, I took the decision to stop my bike trip, and take some time off to think about it. I took that decision while I was in Laos and still had a few hundred kms ahead to cycle to Hoi An in Vietnam. I wrote...

I’m stopping my bike trip!

But first, no worries, it's just for a few months and I'm explaining you why in this post. What's my background? I've left my flat in Paris in December 2013 and from that time, I've had my own bedroom twice...

Back on the road!!! Finally!

First of all, I want to say a huge thanks to Pisal who kept my bicycle safe while I was away for more than two weeks! He is a legend and if you want to go on a great adventure bybicycle around Angkor Wat, jus...

Thailand to Cambodia

26/04/2017 - one more day syndrome trip dist: 93.45km time:4h59 total dist:11 994km Bangkok is a big city but except the crazy traffic, it's like if I was invisible for some drivers, it's ...

Thailand part 2

12/04/2017 - chill out day   trip dist:50.54km time: 2h46 total: 11424km7am, it feels so good to be in an air-conditioned room. I know today I'll be cycling in the heat and while I'm still laying ...