AVG speed: 20.22 km/h
KM: 155.21 km
Time: 7h40
Max speed: 53.76 km/h

When I left this morning I didn’t expect that I will ride for that long. It was raining since the night and all my stuffs were very humid. I started to ride very early after a really bad night. The sand flies were everywhere… If you don’t know what is a sandfly then you are lucky!! It’s the worst thing on earth! It can find you instantly and will find any part of your skin not covered by clothes to bite you and suck your blood. It’s like a mosquito but worse as the pain will be remaining for minimum 3 days. In Australia, when I discovered them, I’ve had to take tablets and put cream on the bites to be able to sleep after three days of getting crazy by lack of sleep. So trust me, if you don’t know what it is, you are a lucky one!

Just for your information: Wikipedia Sandlfy

I started the day slowly then stopped to Fairlie for a hot flat white coffee after 10km ride. The worst thing is to get back on the bike after you stopped in a cosy place. The cosy feeling disapear really quickly though. just before to leave fairlie I saw a Spa. I usually never go there but suddenly I caught myself dreaming of being in a good spa for a second and thought that if was there I would never be able to get back on the bike today. Let’s forget it and keep riding. Target, Ashburton.

Wet road

Wet road

I seriously thought that Ashburton would be the further place I could ride that day but after a few stops, I’ve been reaching it quite quickly and before 2pm I was already out of the town heading then to Christchurch under the heavy rain and head wind.

This is crazy how when you set a goal and put everything into it you can just go crazy and reach your target whatever happen. I’ve been so deep cold and I didn’t felt my hands anymore but a lot my left tendon. Totally soaked on every layers.

In a way it was great as I didn’t take any shower since I left Wanaka, 5 days ago. I felt a bit cleaner than the days before… and it was the only good point of this situation.

Keep smiling even with pain and cold

Keep smiling even with pain and cold

So I finally cycled all the way to Christchurch where I’ve finally found a warm house, a bbq and then a couch to spend the night at my friends Julz and Rocky from Further Faster NZ. Thank you so much guys I needed this so much!! I will stay in Christchurch for a few days the time to organise a  snappers instameet with Julz, get rid out of half of my stuffs that I haven’t used yet. I definitely want to sell my camera to get a mirrorless one 40% lighter, to buy a decent solar panel to be able to charge more than 2% battery of my phone and a mirror for the bike. Big program! I’ll be back on the road on Friday by mid day heading up to Picton or Nelson as sailing boats doesn’t really sail from Picton as there is no wind in between the “fjords”… thanks Brendan for this info 😉  It will take me a few days of bike to get there.

No really pics  yet obviously as I was focused on distance and not get too much things wet but a video is coming out soon!! The 1st episode of the web series!!  Stay tuned!!

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